
今天的主要行程是Earth & Sky的觀星之旅

一早起來就上了紐西蘭的氣象網站 查看今天的天氣是否適合觀星


不過想要看到滿天星斗的話 就必須要

無雲 無雨 風小 三個條件

如果當天天氣不好的話 想要更改行程有些規定



Terms and Conditions


Earth & Sky Terms and Conditions
Full payment of your tour is required at time of booking, and you must accept these terms and conditions and cancellation policy before you book. Please be advised these conditions may change at any time without prior notice.
You must accept that we are unable to guarantee full clarity of the night sky, or visibility of certain objects. Periodically our Mt John Astronomy Tours may be subject to partial or full cloud cover for some or all of the tour. In any event we will continue the tour using the night sky that is visible and we may also use a multi-media presentation or visit the research observatory facilities (where access is possible).
• Please be aware your tour is not subject to refunds or discounts (see Cancellation Policy below).
• If you have any questions regarding the likely tour format and/or weather please ask our office staff prior to tour departure. Note that we cannot guarantee the weather or any feature of our tours.
• On payment, you signify that you accept these Terms and Conditions and Cancellation Policy below.
• Earth & Sky reserves the right to cancel or change the duration and/or location of the tour in response to weather or environmental conditions.
Cancellation Policy
We will give you a full refund only if one of the following applies:
• Earth & Sky is able to reschedule your booking for another date.
You cancel your booking more than 48 hours before your tour.
Earth & Sky cancels the tour before it departs.
If you cancel your booking between 4 - 48 hours prior to tour, you will be reimbursed your booking fee, minus an administration fee of NZ$20 per booking.
If you have paid via credit card then the card you used will be refunded within five working days. We cannot refund in cash if you have paid via credit card.
If you have paid a booking/travel agent or any other third party for your tour, then you should approach them directly for a refund.
If you do not turn up to check-in 15 minutes prior to the tour’s departure, or cancel your tour less than four hours before the tour departs, we cannot give you any refund.
• You must telephone or visit our office within office hours if you wish to cancel or reschedule your booking. Phone (03) 680 6960
• Should you wish to reschedule due to weather, we will endeavour to book you on a suitable alternative tour within 48 hours or provide you with a tour voucher of equal value to your original booking.
• Vouchers can be redeemed within six months, and are not refundable or transferable.
T&C Version 2.4 (9/9/11)

These terms are subject to rights and remedies you have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 2003.


1.他們不能保證天氣是否沒有雲層遮擋,除非天氣太糟 不然都是會成行

2.在48小時前取消可以全額退費,4~48小時前取消收取NZD 20手續費

3.15分鐘前為check in或是在行程4小時前取消的話 無法退費



生怕有了雲層 讓我們這趟觀星之旅意興闌珊

不過當天起床時 老天爺再度給了我們一個完美的天氣 So Sweet!

早上是在Mt Cook YHA 等待intercity Bus前來

Bus遲到了30分鐘 無妨

一路往Lake Tekapo開回去

到了Lake Tekapo時 已經是下午2點多了

我們先去今晚要投宿的Lake Tekapo YHA check in之後



單純配上鹽巴就很好吃了 旁邊附的薯條 & BBQ sauce就很普通了

飯後 繼續在Tekapo湖畔欣賞著湖光山色



這是Earth n Sky網站上面的影片

由於Mt John的地理位置獨特 觀星時周遭沒有群山圍繞


甚至規定Lake Tekapo小鎮晚上的光源不得超過規定


到了晚上 我們先去了Earth n Sky check in


還發給了我們一人一件大衣 說 山上很冷 要小心保暖

等到了出發時間 日籍導遊也充當了司機 

載著我們前往Mt John


Mt John是天文研究的地方 所以等會在山上時 不可以開燈 以免損害了研究用望遠鏡


不過不用擔心 這段路我開了很多次 非常熟 



到了山頂 迎接著我們的是香港來的 打工度假的背包客

他們是我們今天的中文導遊 (沒錯 有提供中文導遊服務!)

由於今天只有我們兩個人而已 所以等會不用像英文團那樣人擠人 搶著看望遠鏡



首先我們進到了一個研究設施 接著他們就開始調整屋頂以及望遠鏡

先看了土星(小小一顆圍著呼拉圈) 不過看到是白色的土星 真是奇妙

接著又看了蜘蛛星雲 以及星團....等 許多記不住的天文名詞

說實在的 有時候真的看不太出來XD


下一個階段 我們到了室外 他們開始用雷射筆(可以射到月球 超猛的)

開始在滿天星斗中一一介紹著 南十字星 以及這個季節的星座

我們也拿出了單眼相機 請他們幫忙拍攝星空的照片




南十字星在哪呢? 現在我看照片竟然找不到@@

IMG_3399 IMG_3393 

沒記錯的話 這是蜘蛛星團


中間有一坨一坨沒有很明顯的 就是麥哲倫星雲



滿天的星斗 周遭又沒有高山圍繞 的確不負全紐西蘭最適合觀星的地方

不過 如果對天文不是特別有興趣 又想看滿天星斗的話 又想省錢的情況下

提供給大家一個省錢 又可以達到目的的方法

我建議可以到Mt Cook YHA住宿 晚上時走出來 往遠離城鎮的方向稍微走一會兒

抬頭看 也可以看到滿天星斗

本篇實際旅遊日期為8,July 2012






Day 1 Christchurch 

Day2 Kaikoura 遇見!! 海豹寶寶! 

Day 3 Kaikoura 跟海豚共游,但是海豚在哪啊!? 

Day 4 Kaikoura 一定要走的登山步道! 

Day 5 Kaikoura-->Picton-->Nelson Center of New Zealand看日落 

Day 6 Nelson Abel Tasman National Park 划獨木舟 

Day 7 Nelson-->Westport 陰雨綿綿 

Day 8 Charleston 夢幻般的藍光蟲洞 

Day 9 Westport--> Greymouth 

Day 10 Greymouth-->Franz Josef 

Day 11 Franz Josef--> Fox Glacier 

Day 12 Fox Glacier 來到紐西蘭一定要去爬一下冰河的啦! 

Day 13 Fox Glacier --> Wanaka 超級美的Lake Wanaka 

Day 14 Wanaka --> Queens Town 原來我這麼喜歡看別人跳高空彈跳 

Day 15 Queens Town 來到皇后鎮怎麼能錯過Ferg Burger呢 

Day 16 Queens Town --> Lake Takapo 人間怎會有如此美景 

Day 17 Lake Tekapo --> Mt Cook 雪山 是雪山啊!! 

Day 18 Mt Cook 騎行在無人的冬季大道上 

Day 19 Mt Cook --> Lake Tekapo 南十字星下的夜空 Mt. John觀星體驗  

Day 20 Lake Tekapo --> Christchurch 撒喲娜拉 純淨的國度  



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